Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's with my name?

It was under the heat of summer in 1990 that a baby girl was born. She was named after the month she is born and her mom's best friend. April Anne.

I call myself April. 18 years old. a brooding psychology student. my personality is in constant adjustment and world is proportion at the moment. the universe align to what i have always wanted. i am quite happy with my life now. sometimes i get bored and feel depress over my own behavior. I'm not good at expressing what i really feel. i find it hard to admit my worries and i don't get over things easily. i like mystery. what i don't understand amaze me a lot. i have deep and weird sentiments that very few understands. sometimes i wonder if my eyes sees the world in the same manner as what other sees through theirs.i sometimes tend to become anti-social and boring that's why i want to be with unintentionally funny people that could bring out the humor in me. i love pleasant surprises and values genuineness.

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